Innovative equipment from Brainlab at the neurosurgeons forum
As part of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Current Issues in Neurosurgery”, held on October 13-14, 2023 in Almaty, our company took part in the exhibition of medical equipment.Our experts presented the latest developments.
from Brainlab (Germany), including virtual reality glasses Magic Leap with MixedReality Viewer – with a modern software application for visualization and planning.
Innovative robotic systems aroused particular interest.
The LOOP-X robotic imaging system is an intraoperative 2D and 3D imaging device that offers a new way for the scanner and navigation system to interact through robotic movement capabilities. Loop-X is a compact and lightweight system with a single support surface. Loop-X allows for a wide scanning area, continuous adaptation of the collimator beam shape, X-ray filtering and radiation dose reduction.
CIRQ Robotic Manipulator – allows you to take advantage of robotic technology in the operating room for a range of neurosurgical indications:
– in spinal procedures, facilitates the precise placement of screws with automatic alignment along the trajectories planned before or during surgery;
– in brain surgery – for alignment during cranial procedures, including biopsies, DBS, stereo EEG.
Great interest was shown in the updated version of Stereotaxy – target software for surgical treatment of the disease Parkinson’s disease.
MIT is the exclusive distributor of Brainlab (Germany) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
If you have any questions about the purchase, please contact the leading manager Saula Iskakova +7 701 218 91 48 .