Opening of a rehabilitation room for Astana Opera artists
On December 27, a rehabilitation room equipped with modern physiotherapy equipment was opened at the “Astana Opera” Theater of Opera and Ballet NPJSC.
The project was implemented with the participation of MIT, which supplied professional equipment from BTL Industries (UK). The equipment is intended for prevention and treatment, as well as for improving the physical condition of theater artists. The rehabilitation room is equipped with the following devices:
- for directed contact diathermy BTL-6000 TR-Therapy Elite;
- for pressotherapy BTL-6000 Lymphastim 12 TOPLINE;
- for radial shockwave therapy BTL-6000 RSWT Elite;
- for high-intensity magnetic therapy BTL-6000 Super Inductive System Elite;
- for robotic high-intensity laser therapy BTL-6000 High Intensity Laser 20W;
- and also the physiotherapy device BTL-4000 Smart.
This equipment allows artists to undergo effective procedures for recovery after intensive rehearsals, performances, injuries, maintaining a high level of physical fitness and health..
Our company wishes health and creative success to the artists of domestic classical art.
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